Sunday, 28 August 2016

100 Blocks

Yay! I have another block published in the Super Great magazine 100 Blocks, Volume 14. It is on sale now. It's the most fun magazine. 100 original blocks and all the directions to make each block are included. If you want a copy and can't find one locally, send me an email and we can arrange delivery of the magazine to you.  Here is my block that is published in this volume. They named it "Blossom Burst". Page 8, the first block in the magazine. This is the EQ image, the "real" block has yo-yos around the outside (the green circles) and a yellow yo-yo in the center. I don't know where I saved my photo of the actual block. The actual block and instructions are included in 100 Blocks. So excited! Happy Dance! I'd love to have everyone on my Facebook page. Quilters have taken over Facebook!
Cheers! Karen Bialik, The Fabric Addict. It's only an addiction if you admit it!